Tuesday 4 February 2014

self expression poster " ME DESIGNER"


I want to be a graphic and tattoos designer and also a creative designer.

This project concept is to design original tattoos for my own body by using transparent paper in process to present the tattoos though my body. The reason why I want to be tattoos designer because since I got first tattoos in my body, I never stop to think about what next I'm going to design for my new tattoos and for me tattoos have so many meaning ,It's not only to be look cool or beautiful, It's kind of art that can tell the story in the body. I also put some keywords in design to show all my creativity and my self as a “Me Designer”. About colour, I used black and white tone to show the detail of tattoos clearly,and be harmonious with model and background.

postcard design "TEXTURE"

                                     The concept that I select to my postcard is Texture .

Texture, like any of the elements of art, can also enhance and support the artist's concept behind the work. Some artists use texture as a major influence on our response to the work. In any work of art, however, texture can draw us in so we spend more time with the work.
I go for a walk and see how many different textures I can find. Take visual notes (quick sketches) of what I see. This can help me to not only notice textures but give me ideas for textures that I can incorporate into my artwork.

I’m using new techniques mix with two main and one support color.  First I experiment a new techniques using plastic wrap in my artwork because It’s plastic,most media does not stick to it and if left on wet media until dry, it make the most cool texture, and second I was mixing the salt with acrylic color and glue together . It also give a new result  and third I used the tissue paper with color and place it on paper ,then after make it dry . The last one I used candle when it burn and melt ,wait it dry then paint color on it, it made wonderful texture.

All my concept come from ideas that I want to make a different texture in the art work .I got a new result by experimental to show more feeling or emotion in this artwork and explain concept by it self.

Monday 20 January 2014

Mood Broad



My name is Pitiphan Pikulyaem . I have started to learn design since I was high school. I liked to watch movie , see some advertising or hand-made magazine that time,which make me think that I want to be a designer .

In university I studied about communication art . I like to design logo, or layout magazine by typography and also if I have a free time, me and my friends we often shoot some movies or music videos , and before I came to Australia I was opened my own brand cloths shop that I design my self . I like to see or learn everything about new ideas design ,and recently I’m fascinating about tattoo design. I have designed my own tattoo for 2years.

Design never makes me feel bored to learn. If someone ask me which job I want to work , I would say I don't know but if someone ask me what I want to be, I could say easily I want to be designer ,maybe I can own some agency company , magazine or have some tattoo shop . So this is about me designer .

Saturday 9 November 2013



There are so many font styles but out of all font that I choose is Sans Serif. The reason that I chhose It's because I like the simple style and It is easy to read ,also easy to use , for example in magazine,web design , or logo type


The reason that I dislike the fonts because It is to hard to read and for me It can only use one time, you can't always use it. and When you design It is hard to edit or combine wit another font family